The Municipal Office is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4:30pm.
We request that ratepayers use remote payment options for property tax payments when possible. These options include mailing a cheque, paying through online banking or using the dropbox located at the entrance of the Municipal Office (leave cheque in envelope with your Roll Number written on it - do not leave cash).
Any tax or general inquiries should be submitted through our Service Tracker System.
Utility Accounts
- Utility Accounts are due and payable when rendered and subject to a 1.25% penalty.
More information on utility payment options can be found on our
Utility Payment Options & Methods page.
We have set up the SSA Utility as a Payee with the banks. The payee information for our Waste Water Utility (SSA Utility) is:
Information for Residents Who Are Hooked Up to the Sewer System and Have Sold Their Property
If you are connected to the sewer system and have sold your property, you will need to contact the RM Office prior to moving with the following information so that a final bill can be sent to you and to set up the property with the new owner information. We require: Possession Date, Final Meter Read, Forwarding Address/Contact Information.
How are Property Taxes Calculated
Property taxes are calculated by applying municipal and school mill rates against the portioned assessment of your property. For calculating taxes, one mill represents $1.00 of taxes for every $1,000.00 of portioned assessment.

Tax Statements
Property tax statements are issued each year in accordance with the latest property ownership information provided to the Municipality. If an ownership change has occurred, please forward the property tax statement to the current owner or return it immediately to the Municipal Office. Failure to receive a bill does not excuse an owner from responsibility for payment of taxes or application of late penalties.
Taxes are due by October 31. Penalty on arrears is calculated at 1.25% per month commencing on November 1. Penalties are calculated and added on the first day of each month that the taxes remain unpaid. Lands in arrears for more than one year will be subject to tax sale. Arrears that are shown on your tax bill are subject to further penalties.
The effective date for payments made to the R.M. of St. Andrews will be the actual day of receipt by the Municipal Office. To avoid late fees, mail in a postdated cheque and allow ample time for the payment to be received at the office or allow 4 to 5 business days for online payments to be processed by your financial institution and the R.M. of St. Andrews financial institution.
For your convenience, there is a dropbox located at the entrance of the Municipal Office for those who are unable to attend during office hours.
Tax Receipts
Tax receipts will only be issued upon request.
Payment Options
There are a number of ways to pay your annual property taxes.
1. Mail:
Mail a cheque payable to the R.M. of St. Andrews together with the bottom stub portion of the tax bill to:
Note: Please write your roll number on the cheque and ensure your payment is made before the deadline and received at the RM Office on or before October 31st (including those sent via mail). Any mail or other payments received after October 31st will be considered late and a 1.25% penalty will be charged. Post dated cheques are welcome.
2. In Person at 500 Railway Avenue:
Payment can be made at the Municipal Office located at 500 Railway Avenue in Clandeboye. We accept cash, cheque and debit. Credit cards are not accepted.
3. Online:
Set up a payment option for property taxes with your financial institution (shown below), using your roll number as your account number. To do this, you must access your existing on-line bill payment system through your financial institution's website and add the R.M. of St. Andrews as a Payee. You will then use your Roll Number, without the decimal, as the account number. The account number must be a total of 9 digits. Please be sure to allow at least 5 business days for processing of payment.
For example:
If you have a roll no. with 4 digits such as 1917 - you would enter 001917000 (two zeros in front and 3 at the end)
If you have a roll no. with 5 digits such as 43605 - you would enter 043605000 (one zero in front and 3 at the end)
If you have a roll no. with 6 digits such as 652300 - you would enter 652300000 (three zeros at the end)
Payee: St Andrews, Rm-Property Taxes(Mb), Regional Municipality, Taxes
| Payee: St. Andrews (Rural Mun)
| Payee: (Andrews)
Payee: St. Andrews (RM of)
| Credit Unions Payee: StAndrews.rm property taxes
4. Tax Installment Payment Program (TIPP):
Allows ratepayers to have automatic monthly withdrawals from their bank accounts. To obtain a TIPP form, please click here:
TIPP Application Form.
5. Installment Payments:
Monthly payments can be made either by coming into the Municipal Office or by mailing in postdated cheques and payments will be applied to the tax account.
6. After Hours:
Drop off an envelope containing a cheque or money order together with the bottom portion of the tax bill in the dropbox located at the entrance to the Municipal Office at 500 Railway Avenue in Clandeboye. Do not leave cash.
Payment Methods
- Cheque (payable to R.M. of St. Andrews) - can be postdated; be sure to include the bottom stub portion of your tax bill with the cheque and write your roll number on it
- Cash
- Debit - check with your financial institution prior to attending our office to ensure your purchase limit is high enough for the amount you wish to pay as many debit cards have daily limits
We currently DO NOT accept credit card payments.
Tax Sale Proceedings for Properties in Arrears of Taxes
Any ratepayer who is 2 years in arrears of taxes will be notified that their property will be going into tax sale if not paid by a specific date. Each year the municipality holds a public auction which is advertised in the Selkirk Record as well as posted on the home page of our website under Municipal News. This notice will list all the details of the auction along with a list of the properties up for sale. TAXervice manages the entire tax sale process for the municipality. Property owners have right until the time of the auction to redeem the property. If a property goes into tax sale proceedings, extra costs will be added for advertising, legal fees etc.
Tax Credit Programs
Manitoba Education Property Tax Credit (EPTC) and Manitoba School Tax Rebate
Posted May 10, 2024 - The Manitoba School Tax Rebate will be applied directly to municipal property tax notices. Rebate cheques will no longer be mailed. Residential and Farm property owners are receiving a 50 per cent rebate on school taxes for 2024 which is applied directly to their property tax notice. Other property owners will receive a 10 per cent rebate of the total school division special levy and education support levy for 2024 applied to their property tax notice.
The EPTC Advance can only be claimed on a homeowner's principal residence.
In order to qualify for the EPTC Advance on your taxes:
1. The property must be your principal residence.
2. The property must be assessed as a single residential dwelling.
3. The homeowner cannot be receiving the credit on another home elsewhere in the Province.
If you rent an apartment, then you may be entitled to the tax credit, however you will need to claim the tax credit on your income tax return.
If you have not received the EPTC on your current year's property tax bill, you will need to claim the tax credit for the current year on your income tax return.
In order to apply to have the credit added to your next year's property tax bill , you will need to fill out a Self-Declaration Form which can be obtained from the R.M. of St. Andrews Municipal Office.
Farmland School Tax Rebate
Posted October 20, 2023 - Please be advised of the changes to the 2023 Farmland School Tax Rebate (FSTR) program. The maximum rebate is now up to 40 percent of the paid farmland school taxes and is limited to $2,500 per ratepayer, which includes all related persons of that ratepayer.
Below are the 2023 links to the FSTR applications (corporate and individual), including links to information regarding our MASC Service Centre office locations and our FAQs.
2023 FSTR Corporation Application
2023 FSTR Individual Application
2023 FSTR FAQs
MASC - Locations
Seniors' School Tax Rebate
Posted October 20, 2023 - To be eligible for the Seniors’ School Tax Rebate, you or your spouse / common-law partner must:
- be 65 years of age or older by the end of the year (December 31);
- own your home or be liable for paying the school taxes on your principal residence;
- live in your home; and
- be residents of Manitoba.
The maximum Rebate for 2023 is $235 for eligible seniors.
The Rebate calculation is based on the total of residential school taxes assessed net of the Basic and Seniors Education Property Tax Credit received or receivable. In addition, for eligible senior households the Rebate is reduced by 1.0% of net family income over $40,000. Eligible seniors below the $40,000 income-tested threshold may be eligible for a full Rebate depending on the amount of school tax. Senior households with a family net income of $63,500 or higher are not eligible for the Rebate.
Get answers to frequently asked questions
For more information, please contact:
Manitoba Tax Assistance Office
Phone: 204-948-2115 (Toll-free 1-800-782-0771)
Property Assessment
NEW IN 2024!
MyPropertyMB - Sign up to view your assessment information online!
Manitoba’s property assessment services are now digitally available! Property owners outside the City of Winnipeg can access their assessment notice by creating an account on the MyPropertyMB digital portal.
Through the portal, property owners have access to enhanced details of their property assessment, such as buildings assessed on their property, characteristics including building age, size, and features that impact the assessed value.
Property Assessment Search Database
In accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, no personal identifiers are included in the Government of Manitoba property assessment search database. You are able to search for property assessment information (using the legal description, roll number, or street address) by clicking on the link below.
You may also contact the Assessment Branch in Selkirk at (204) 785-5092 to inquire about your property assessment information.