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Property Tax Information
When are taxes due?

Taxes are due on or before October 31st of each year.

What are my payment options?
We accept cash, cheque and interac and there is also a drop off box at the front entrance of the RM Office. Property taxes can also be paid through TIPPS (automatic monthly withdrawals) as well as through on-line banking. We do not accept credit cards.
Do you accept post dated cheques? 
Yes we accept post dated cheques. Be sure to write your roll number on the cheque for reference.

What if I want to make an early payment for taxes?
Any tax payments that are made prior to receipt of the tax bill will be credited towards the tax account.

Do you send out monthly tax statements?
No, the tax bills are printed by the Province and will be mailed out once in August.

When are the property tax bills sent out?
Tax bills are usually mailed out in August each year.

I mailed in my tax payment at the end of October. I just received my paid receipt and it shows that there is a balance owing. Why?
Payment was likely received after October 31. If there is no postmark by Canada Post (or if it is illegible), then we stamp it as the date received at our office and you will be charged penalty for the month of November for late payment.

I sent in a payment for the amount that was stated on my tax bill but I received a receipt showing there are still taxes owing. Why?
If there were arrears owing on the tax statement, then the tax amount due would change each month because of the monthly penalty charge.

What is the penalty/interest rate charged?
1 1/4% interest rate charged per month. Interest begins on the 1st day of each month.

I never received a paid receipt for my taxes, why?
We no longer mail out paid receipts for taxes unless requested by the property owner. We would be more than happy to mail, fax or email a paid receipt if requested.

How much does it cost for a tax certificate?
The cost for a tax certificate is $50. A tax certificate is a document confirming that taxes have been paid or indicate what amount is owing. These are usually requested by lawyers when ownership changes are taking place.

Do you offer automatic monthly withdrawals for tax payments?
The R.M. of St. Andrews does offer this service and it is called TIPPS. You need to complete this form and attach a void cheque and submit to our office indicating the amount you would like withdrawn each month. Payments will always be taken out on the last day of the month. If you would like to change your amount at any time, please complete this form and submit to our office. If you would like to cancel payments, you must submit something to the municipality in writing indicating cancellation and the appropriate tax roll information.

When are utility payments due and what are my payment options?
Utility payments such as wastewater, are due when rendered and the payment options are the same as is with property taxes (cash, cheque, debit).
Building and Development Information
I want to put an access/driveway onto my property, what is required? 
Click here for information on the Private Approach permit process. The cost of the permit is $500, with $350 being the damage deposit. Once the installation is complete, it will receive a final inspection by our surveyor and if there are no issues, the $350 damage deposit will be refunded to the applicant.

I want to build a new home and require a Lot Grade Permit application from the RM Office - what is the process and what is required?
Click here for a Lot Grade Application Form. Other information on permits and building in the municipality can be found here.

I would like to subdivide my property - where do I go to obtain information and begin the process?
The Red River Planning District in East St. Paul looks after applications for subdivisions, variation orders and conditional uses. They will be able to assist you with all that is required in the process and what costs are involved.

I want to know about septic fields, permits and wastewater issues, who do I contact?
You would contact the Environment Office in Selkirk. They are located at 446 Main Street. You may call 204-785-5023 for further information. This is the office where you would obtain permits for installing a new septic field, injector system, holding tank etc.

Where do I obtain a building permit and find out about zoning of a property?
The Red River Planning District in East St. Paul issues all building permits for the R.M. of St. Andrews. They also look after zoning and can provide information on whether a business can be operated off the property as well as assist with inquiries related to the number of animals you can have on your property.

I am new to the municipality and want information on hooking up my property to the wastewater system. What is the process and what costs are involved? 
All information about the South St. Andrews Wastewater System, including hooking up and costs can be found in our Wastewater Services section of the website.
Animal Control
How many dogs can I have on my property before I have to get a kennel license?
You can have three dogs on your property before you are required to get a kennel license.  More information on licensing, fees and stipulations can be found in our Animal Control By-Law.
Do I have to obtain a dog license for my dogs? 
Yes, a dog license must be obtained on a yearly basis for each dog. If the dog is spayed/neutered, the cost is $12 and if it isn't spayed/neutered, the cost is $40. If paying by cheque, please make it payable to "RM of St. Andrews". We require the owner's name, address, phone number, breed of dog, color of dog and rabies certificate number. The tags can be obtained from the Municipal Office in Clandeboye or you can mail the information in with a cheque and the tag(s) will be mailed out.  You can complete the following form and submit with your payment Dog Licence Application Form.

Who do I contact regarding problems with wildlife such as bears, coyotes, deer etc?
The RM's Animal Control Officer does not deal with wildlife, just domestic animals. If you are experiencing problems with wildlife you can contact the Conservation Officer at 204-785-5080. You can also check out our Wildlife Safety webpage for tips on how to deal with wildlife.

What is the phone number for the Animal Control Officer?
You can 204-738-2496 to report any domestic animal issues

Do you supply traps for trappings skunks, raccoons etc.?

To acquire a live trap, submit a service request for rental of the Live Trap. Once this information is submitted, the public works administrator will contact you to let you know if one is available. You can view more about the procedures here: Live Trap Rental Agreement and Procedure. We will provide instructions to the resident on how to use the trap, the best locations for trap placement and popular baits that can be used. Any damages to the traps while in possession of the residents will be the responsibility of the resident. If the trap is damaged beyond repair or stolen, the resident agrees to pay for a replacement trap for the sum indicated on the rental agreement.

A $75.00 refundable deposit must be paid and a rental agreement/waiver signed prior to release of the trap. A damaged trap will be assessed by the Public Works Superintendent and any charges made will reflect the cost of repairing and/or replacing the trap. The RM is NOT responsible for any actions performed by the resident including accidental catches or the harming of a trapped animal when the trap is in the possession of the resident.

General Administration Information

What are the hours of the Municipal Office?
The Municipal Office is open Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and is open through the lunch hour. There is a black drop off box in front of the office for payments to be left in after hours.

When are Council meetings held?
Council meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month with Planning hearings held on the 2nd Tuesday. During July and August and December, there is only one meeting which is on the 2nd Tuesday. Some meetings may be cancelled or re-scheduled due to conflict with other events or lack of quorum.

Where are the agendas, minutes and recordings of meetings and how long are the kept on-line for?
All agendas, recordings and minutes of meetings can be found on our Agendas, Minutes & Meetings webpage as well as YouTube Channel. Meetings are currently being held in person as well as with the option of attending virtually. 

How do I appear as a delegation before Council?

A Delegation Registration Form must be completed and submitted 5 days prior to the Council meeting and will be reviewed by Administration prior to approval. Presentations are limited to 10 minutes.

I want information on where I can hunt and who owns a specific property - where can I get this information?
The RM does not have land ownership maps and cannot disclose information of property owners due to The Privacy Act. You can access our hunting map to see what types of hunting are allowed in specific areas of the RM but to find out property ownership information, you would have come to the office and look through the Assessment Roll book.

I don't know where a certain road is located in the municipality, how can I find out where it is?
We do have a Road Reference Manual available that has detailed instructions on how to find a specific road located within our Municipality. You can find the manual as well as several other maps on our Maps webpage.

Where do I apply for a business licence?
If you are planning on operating a business in the municipality, you must complete a Business Licence Application form and submit to the RM Office. The application then gets sent to the Red River Planning District to see if it conforms with the zoning of the property and the applicant will then be notified if the application is approved or not or if there are any conditions. The annual cost of a business licence is either $100 or $50, dependent on the nature of the business.

Public Works Operations and Waste Disposal

Who do I contact regarding public works issues such as drainage problems, grass cutting, road conditions, dust control, road signage, snow removal etc?

We ask that all inquiries be submitted through our Service Request Form. By submitting your request on-line, it gets assigned a tracking number and gets sent to the Public Works Supt. immediately should it be an emergency situation. Requests will be prioritized as necessary. Please ensure you download the RM App first if you are submitting your request through your phone. All submissions made through a phone must be done through the RM App for it to work. More information can also be found on our Public Works webpage.

What are the hours of the Earl Grey and Clandeboye Waste Disposal Grounds?
You can find out information on the hours as well as tipping fees on our Waste Disposal Grounds webpage

Do I have to be a resident to use the Waste Disposal Grounds?
Yes you must be a resident and you must have an RM issued refuse permit to gain access to the sites. If you do not have your refuse permit, access will be denied. If you have lost your permit, a new one can be obtained from the Municipal Office at a replacement cost of $10.

What are the tipping fee amounts for hauling certain items to the waste disposal grounds and what items have fees?
You can find out the tipping fee amounts as well as a listing of what items have charges on this tipping fee information page. Fees are subject to change from time to time.

Do you have any recycling depots and if so, where are they located?
We currently have 4 recycling depot locations. To find out where they are located and what is accepted, check out our Recycling Depots and Information webpage. Please ensure that when dropping off recyclables, that no household garbage is included.

Do the Waste Disposal Grounds accept e-Waste (used electronics)?
You can currently take your e-Waste to the Earl Grey Waste Disposal Grounds for recycling.
Does the the RM of St. Andrews compensate residents for damage caused by equipment?
Sod, pavement and trees are sometimes damaged by the RM of St. Andrews snow plowing equipment. If this happens to your property, please report the incident to the Public Works Department at (204) 738-2076. If the damage was caused by RM equipment, staff will go out to the site and assess the damage and determine whether compensation will be provided or not.
I want to put a driveway onto my property, what is required?
A Private Approach permit must be obtained from the RM office which costs $500 ($150 for the permit and $350 for a refundable damage deposit). The $350 damage deposit will be refunded after the culvert has been installed and back-filled, as long as no damage has been done to the road or culvert. The RM will provide the homeowner/builder with the correct culvert size required. Complete details of the installation and permit process can be found in the Private Approach By-Law No. 4384 and Permit Application Form.
Snow Clearing Operations
When do snow clearing operations start during a winter storm?
During a winter storm, our Public Works Operators get ready for action, but snow clearing can only begin when conditions are safe for both operators and motorists. Timing can be severely affected by the amount of snow, temperature, high winds and visibility. When there is poor visibility, it becomes a safety hazard as our operators and motorists can't see eachother. Snow clearing operations will only begin when visibility improves and it's safe to do so. It's always better to wait until snow clearing will be effective, even though it's understandable that everyone wishes it could be sooner. High winds are a major factor in the timing of when operators get sent out. When roads drift in and get cleared, they often drift right back in again so waiting for winds to die down is better in these types of situations and more effective.
How long will it take to clear the roads after a snowstorm?
This varies. If there is alot of snow or if the snow is heavy and moist, or if there is a strong wind, it can take longer to move snow and fight drifts. Our goal is always to have the entire municipality plowed within 48 hours after a storm, but sometimes it can take several days to complete the entire snow clearing operation properly. If roads are really heavy with snow and drifted in, operators will often just do one pass at first so that motorists can at least get down the road and once all the roads have received at least one pass, operators will return and do a wider clearing.
Will the municipality send a plow to your road if you call and ask?
The answer is no. Just imagine how much time and money could be spent sending plows off to the route to respond to every plea from a resident or business. The best thing to do is let plows and graders stick to their route. The priority is to clear the municipality's road network as efficiently and quickly as possible, followed by general cleanup.
If you are truly experiencing a medical emergency situation, don't call the municipality, call 911. The municipality follows protocol when dealing with emergency situations. Should there be a need to send assistance to clear your road and get you out, this call is made by emergency responders and the municipality will do its part.
What if I need to get to town and the roads are impassable?
If you have a medical condition or if you have a job where you are required to get to town every day, please plan ahead for unexpected bad weather. Listen to the weather forecast and make your plans accordingly. Most rural residents know that when they choose to live in the country, getting snowed in can happen. Any and all roads can become impassable with extreme weather and it's important to have food, medicines and supplies to last for several days during a bad storm.
For road condition information throughout the Province, you can go to Manitoba 511.
Are bus routes plowed first?
Some people think that the schedule is set by bus routes, however, school buses travel on so many miles of roads that it is impossible to assign a priority to one bus route over another. After a significant snowfall, school buses and other types of vehicles may not be able to travel during these times and will also have to wait for plowing to be completed.
Why does the snow plow leave a windrow at the end of my driveway?
Plow operators do not intentionally block driveways, but they have limited control over the amount and direction of snow that comes off the plow. When clearing your driveway, try to pile the snow on the right side (standing in your driveway and looking towards the road). This can help reduce the amount of snow that is pushed onto your driveway when a snow plow/grader passes.
Why can't I push snow out onto the road, across the road or into the ditch?
When clearing your driveway and property of snow, ensure that the snow is not pushed, shoveled or blown onto municipal property/roadways. Piles of snow deposited on the roadway can freeze and form high ice blocks and snow pushed into the ditches can cause drifts which will eventually encroach onto roadways. Damage to equipment can occur and motorists travelling down the roadway could be put in harm's way. In both instances, they create a danger to public safety, municipal equipment and equipment operators and as per By-Law No. 4145, violation notices could be issued if contravention occurs.
What if I get stuck on a road during a storm?
If travelling along a municipal roadway and you happen to get stuck, you will need to get your vehicle removed as soon as possible. We understand that during a storm it may be difficult, but any parked vehicle will affect snow clearing operations and be a safety hazard should a plow suddenly come upon it while clearing the roadway. Not only do parked or stuck vehicles not allow for proper clearing of snow, they also cause delays and create obstacles and hazards for equipment operators, snow clearing equipment and other motorists and the vehicle may have to be towed.