St. Andrews Walking Trail

Updated: January 2024

The St. Andrews Walking Trail Project started in 2018 with support of Council to start planning for the addition of trails in the community. Planning the proposed trail for PTH9 was done between 2019-2021. This would allow for future connection to West St. Paul and to Lower Fort Garry for the Trans Canada Trail connection. 

Sections of this trail were built in phases starting in fall 2020, with the most recent work being completed this fall 2023. A total of 10 kms of new trail have been built so far. Grants were obtained from 2019-2022 for this portion totaling $680,000. 

Additional feeder trail work and a pedestrian crossing structure over Parks Creek are being planned for 2024-2025 construction. Working with MTI, safety upgrades are planned for pedestrian signal boxes, pedestrian signs, and painted crosswalks at PTH27, PTH44 and PR410. Grants obtained to date for this portion of trail total $846,000. That is a total of over $1.5 Million in grant money received for the trail system.

As future trail mapping and planning work continues in the municipality, the Council adopted RM of St. Andrews Trails Master Plan will be used for strategic direction and guidance concerning the trail system and service delivery over the next 3-20 years. We hope to partner with our municipal neighbors and others to provide a fully connected Active Transportation system for all residents to enjoy

Map of trail system

Updated: September 25, 2023

The extension of the current walking trail on PTH 9 will begin shortly. A trail will be added from Parrish Bay on the west side of PTH 9 and continue to PTH 27. The addition of this section of trail will allow for approx. 400 people to get direct access to the current trail system. Work will also be done through the intersection to allow crossing and connection to the current trail on the east side of PTH 9 at River Road. Working with MTI, upgrades are planned for pedestrian corridor signals at PTH 27, PTH 44 and PR 410 by spring 2024.

Updated: June 17, 2021

The municipality has completed installing 1.5 kms of trail from St. Andrews Road to Liss Road. The trail is now available for use and we hope to install additional kms of trail during 2021-2022.