Municipal Office Phone Numbers: (204) 738-2264 or Toll Free 1-866-738-2264
Office Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
General Inquiries
After Hours Emergency Line
If high water levels are impacting you or your property, please submit a service request first so that the appropriate staff receive the request immediately and there is a record of the request being made and action taken. If it is an after hours emergency where your home is at immediate risk, call (204) 904-9286 or our Emergency Coordinator at (204) 904-9919. Please always call 911 if you are in a life threatening situation.
Chief Administrative Officer
Brent Olynyk - Ext. 123
Deputy Chief Administrative Officer
Lisa McLean - Ext. 124
Executive Assistant & Communications Officer
Sherry Genick - Ext. 126
Planning and Economic Development Officer
Braeden Bennett - Ext. 137
Tax Clerk
Becky Woodfine - Ext. 122
Administrative Assistant
Janet Douglas - Ext. 121
Recreation Director
Teresa Howell
Phone: (204) 339-6396
Recreation Manager
Andrea Gertner
Phone: (204) 338-7512
Recreation Coordinator
Caroline Desmarais - Ext. 167
Culture & Heritage Manager
Emilie Bordeleau-Laroche
Phone: (204) 339-6396
Acting Chief Financial Officer
Vee Scromeda - Ext. 164
Director of Infrastructure
Peter Hillius - Ext. 138
Environmental Utility Operator 2
Jason Bedard - 204-738-2264 - Ext. 125
Environmental Utilities Coordinator
Waylon Koniski - 204-738-2264 - Ext. 125
Director of Municipal Safety and Municipal Emergency Coordinator
Jordan Nastiuk - Ext. 130
By-Law Enforcement Officer
Chris Stienke
Public Works Office Phone Number: (204) 738-2076
Public Works Manager
Trevor Antichow - Ext. 139