- Winter road maintenance and snow clearing operations (plowing, sanding and salting of roads)
- Construction and maintenance of roads including gravel and dust control application, street sweeping, road grading, road building, patching and repairs
- Roadside ditch maintenance and grass cutting
- Maintenance of the Waste Disposal Grounds (Earl Grey and Clandeboye as well as the Village of Dunnottar) as well as Petersfield Sewage Lagoon and South St. Andrews Wastewater System
- Maintenance of Public Works equipment and buildings
- Municipal drainage works, culvert installations, steaming and clearing of culverts
- Road signage
- Civic addressing signage
- Lot grade surveys
- Operation of Department, including administration and budgeting
trevor@rmofstandrews.com - Ext. 139
- Ditching (maintaining grades and slopes)
- Maintenance and replacement of culverts as required
- Grass cutting in right-of-ways as well as in the ditches
- Opening of the main drains each spring
- Culvert steaming (if blockage is found)
Environment & Lagoon Info
Septage Hauling Restrictions - Fall Reminder
Please be aware that the deadline for disposing of septage (septic tank solids) is October 15, 2024.
Our license stipulates that no septage loads are permitted at the Petersfield Lagoon facility from October 15 - June 1 annually.
Also, be aware that septic haulers are restricted to dispose a maximum of 8,000 litres of septage per day into the lagoon.
RM of St. Andrews
Grass Cutting & Vegetation
- Public Works performs general tree cutting where required in order for the RM equipment to drive down public right-of-way roads and ditches without obstruction.
- RM staff perform general tree cutting and removal due to storms or rot, or if the trees encroach or pose a safety hazard to residents on public right-of-ways.
- Grass along the side of roads and in the ditches requires cutting primarily to prevent snow accumulation on the roads during winter and to improve drainage.
- Top cuts are performed typically starting after the May long weekend. Top cuts may be done a 2nd time dependent on weather and time.
- Bottom cuts are performed typically in the late summer and into the fall until snowfall. Bottom cuts are also performed if the conditions allow and there is no water in the bottom of the ditch.
- Public Works also perform grass & weed cutting using hand operated trimmers where the heavy equipment cannot access or along trails and around culverts or wherever it's needed.
- The Selkirk Weed Board is contracted to cut grass if RM resources are not available or able to complete the work.
- Public Works manages and coordinates the contracted work performed by the Selkirk Weed Board to spray for weeds along roadsides and ditches. High priority drains are sprayed on a bi-annual basis.
- Public Works manages and coordinates the contracted removal of diseased Dutch Elm trees within the RM. The diseased trees are either chopped on-site or transported by the contractor to either waste disposal ground in order for the custodian to burn the wood. Burial or burning are the acceptable methods of disposal. Burial is not practiced due to the usage of landfill space required.
Lot Grades
- Snow covering the topographic features that the RM needs to inspect/survey in order to set lot grades and do the final inspections
- Frost in the ground moving/making inaccurate construction stakes and once the ground freezes, preventing construction stakes from being installed
The RM starts up again in the spring after the snow/ice melts.
More information on building in the municipality and permit information can be found on our Building Permit Information page.
Private Approach Information and Permit Application Form
- Snow covering the topographic features that the RM needs to inspect/survey in order to do the inspections
- Frost in the ground moving/making inaccurate construction stakes and once the ground freezes, preventing construction stakes from being installed
- Approaches need to be built out of unfrozen clay fill material and there is no unfrozen backfill material in the winter. Temporary/poorly built approaches will typically not be permitted
The RM starts up again in the spring after the snow/ice melts.
- The R.M. of St. Andrews has an annual budget for gravelling roads.
- An annual assessment is done of all roads by R.M. staff.
- Gravel is applied based on the assessment and on the set budget for that year.
- Spot dumping is done, as required according to assessment and budget. We do not gravel all roads in the municipality annually, only as required.
- This is a combined effort between R.M. staff and the dust control supplier to dust control gravel roads in front of residences, intersections & heavily traveled roads.
- Provides road stabilization and gravel retention in addition to a reduction of dust.
- Is performed once a year with a 2nd application in late summer only where required.
- Snow removal
- Sanding & salting at intersections (not full roads)
- Cold mix patching
- Crack sealing
- Emulsified spot patching by patch truck
- Road Works Program
- Engineering design
- Road reconstruction, preparation & paving
- Gravel Roads - the following tasks are performed:
- Snow removal
- Sanding & salting at intersections (not full roads)
- Dust control roads. Provides road stabilization and gravel retention in addition to a reduction of dust. Performed once a year with a 2nd application as required.
- Grading - Four graders with each operator having their own area to maintain.
- Area 1 – RM South Boundary to PTH 67
- Area 2 – PTH 67 to Clandeboye Rd
- Area 3 – Clandeboye Rd to Netley Rd
- Area 4 – Netley Rd to RM North Boundary
- Disking
- Grading
Snow Removal
- All property owners are responsible for clearing residual snow ridges/windrows from the end of their approaches and driveways.
- Snow is not to be pushed, shoveled or blown from any residential or commercial property onto municipal property, including roadways and ditches. If snow is pushed onto a roadway, the snow can form an ice block which will damage our equipment and if hit by motorists, can cause a great deal of damage. Your cooperation reduces the time required to plow all streets which in turn reduces costs.
- Vehicles are not to be parked on roadways as they will obstruct and may cause inefficient clearing of snow.
- Ensure your private properties (ie. garbage bins, driveway markers and/or property signs, mailboxes etc.) are not in the way of the snow plow or the overflow of the snow wake being removed.
- Clear the way - before the snow flies, please remove newspaper boxes from roadways to avoid interfering with snow removal operations.
- Slow down - reduce your driving speed to account for slippery road conditions and snow clearing operations during and after a snowstorm.
- Practice plow patience - our plow operators work extremely hard to maintain high levels of service during a snow event. Please be patient while roads are being cleared.
- Timelines for this work depend on the severity and duration of the storm. As a result, it is difficult for the RM staff to give residents a specific time by when their street or sidewalk will be cleared.
- Do not pass an active plow on the right-hand side. Passing an active plow and following too closely is dangerous for you, the plow operator and other drivers. Snow plow operators will pull over and let you pass when it's safe to do so.
- Stay 20 meters behind snow-clearing equipment.